Thursday, August 30, 2012

North American QSO Party.

This contest snuck up on my quite quickly. I didnt really know about it until the friday before when it was mentioned at my West Park Radio Ops Meeting. A contest! excellent. I figured I would go for it. No stress just an easy contest to do. I talked to my friend Mark NB8I and he was going to operate from his shack so I decided to go over and see what he was up to. When I got there I finally got to see it live. His Yaesu FT-950 his 50 foot tower and his beam antenna. What a cool setup. I took a video of him spinning the beam around. (This was totally staged by the way)

Now that was cool to see that in real life. It was intestesting to hear him operate too. He has the Yaesu Ft-950 and a bunch of other equipment too like the "LP-PAN" adapter. Now this thing was something cool. Something so cool that it makes me want to upgrade my rig now to get one of these. Basically it looked like the coolness of SDR without your rig being a featureless dumb metal box.

I am sorry that to me doesnt look like a radio. I dont like it. I wont buy it especially how expensive it is. However get a ft-950 and lp-pan and this is what you see

Look at that. How cool. So take your nice ft-950 and make it act like a SDR all for a couple hundred dollars. (The hardware is what costs the software is free) That was cool to see that. Now I can justify the need for a FT-950 in the future. Anyhow cool shack and some interesting equipment. Mark also is able to share comports with multiple devices. I tried the software on mine so I could use N1MM and HRD at the same time. I even got a special comport sharing software. None of it worked.

That is what I did after I left Mark's I was all enthusiastic about participating in the contest so I ran home with the new comport program idea and thinking I woudl be able to use N1mm to log the contest results and then HRD to control the rig.

I spent about 4 hours of contest time trying to mess with the program and it never wound up working the radio would send crazy data to N1MM and the frequency would go to .356 or something. Anyhow abandoned that project went straight N1MM and finished off the contest.

Final results for the North American QSO party was this.

QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-18 2105 NA8Y            John       OH  NB8I            MARK       OH 
QSO:  7266 PH 2012-08-19 0054 NA8Y            John       OH  NT8Z            SCOTT      OH 
QSO:  7250 PH 2012-08-19 0056 NA8Y            John       OH  WW9R            PAT        WI 
QSO:  7270 PH 2012-08-19 0100 NA8Y            John       OH  N8BV            BRUCE      OH 
QSO:  7263 PH 2012-08-19 0101 NA8Y            John       OH  K4RO            TOM        TN 
QSO:  7254 PH 2012-08-19 0103 NA8Y            John       OH  KF4GDX          ROBERT     SC 
QSO:  7244 PH 2012-08-19 0106 NA8Y            John       OH  W9IMS           BILL       IN 
QSO:  7234 PH 2012-08-19 0108 NA8Y            John       OH  NW3H            BILL       PA 
QSO:  7229 PH 2012-08-19 0110 NA8Y            John       OH  WX3B            JIM        MD 
QSO:  7226 PH 2012-08-19 0114 NA8Y            John       OH  W0IW            JOE        IA 
QSO:  7223 PH 2012-08-19 0116 NA8Y            John       OH  K9CT            AL         IL 
QSO:  7203 PH 2012-08-19 0121 NA8Y            John       OH  NN3W            JACK       VA 
QSO:  7200 PH 2012-08-19 0122 NA8Y            John       OH  AB9H            JOE        IL 
QSO:  7197 PH 2012-08-19 0124 NA8Y            John       OH  K4YP            ED         NC 
QSO: 14283 PH 2012-08-19 0132 NA8Y            John       OH  NX5M            BOB        TX 
QSO: 14265 PH 2012-08-19 0136 NA8Y            John       OH  VE3PUX          JOHN       ON 
QSO:  7183 PH 2012-08-19 0146 NA8Y            John       OH  K0RH            JIM        KS 
QSO:  7192 PH 2012-08-19 0156 NA8Y            John       OH  NX5M            BOB        TX 
QSO:  7201 PH 2012-08-19 0200 NA8Y            John       OH  W4DXX           ERIC       GA 
QSO:  3779 PH 2012-08-19 0234 NA8Y            John       OH  WW9R            PAT        WI 
QSO:  3773 PH 2012-08-19 0236 NA8Y            John       OH  KS3D            JIM        DE 
QSO:  3824 PH 2012-08-19 0237 NA8Y            John       OH  VE3PUX          JOHN       OH 
QSO: 14264 PH 2012-08-19 0248 NA8Y            John       OH  W0BH            BOB        KS 
QSO: 14250 PH 2012-08-19 0411 NA8Y            John       OH  WO4DX           GARY       GA 
QSO: 14253 PH 2012-08-19 0415 NA8Y            John       OH  KL7RA           RICH       AK 
QSO: 14220 PH 2012-08-19 0451 NA8Y            John       OH  KK7PR           RALPH      OR 
QSO:  3802 PH 2012-08-19 0455 NA8Y            John       OH  WX3B            JIM        MD 
QSO:  3794 PH 2012-08-19 0503 NA8Y            John       OH  WB4OMM          STEVE      OH 
QSO:  3784 PH 2012-08-19 0511 NA8Y            John       OH  K0EA            TERRY      MN 
QSO:  3756 PH 2012-08-19 0515 NA8Y            John       OH  KK9V            MIKE       IN 
QSO:  3756 PH 2012-08-19 0516 NA8Y            John       OH  K4HTA           TED        VA 
QSO:  3756 PH 2012-08-19 0520 NA8Y            John       OH  KD9MS           CRAIG      IL 
QSO:  3756 PH 2012-08-19 0521 NA8Y            John       OH  WM9Q            RON        IL 
QSO:  3500 PH 2012-08-19 0527 NA8Y            John       OH  W8TM            PAUL       OH 
QSO:  3500 PH 2012-08-19 0528 NA8Y            John       OH  VE3KP           KEN        ON 
QSO:  3500 PH 2012-08-19 0530 NA8Y            John       OH  W8TOM           TOM        MI 
QSO:  3500 PH 2012-08-19 0535 NA8Y            John       OH  W9AV            CLINT      WI 
QSO:  3500 PH 2012-08-19 0536 NA8Y            John       OH  W0IW            JOE        IA 
QSO:  7000 PH 2012-08-19 0543 NA8Y            John       OH  K7RL            MITCH      WA 
QSO:  7000 PH 2012-08-19 0548 NA8Y            John       OH  N2BJ            BARRY      IL  

40 contacts only and

Not to shabby. Not my best performance but I had some fun. The dipole is really limiting me here. The noise level on 80 and 40 is really high.. sometimes as high as 20 over. I am not sure if that is where I live (inside the city) or some flaw with the antenna. I will have to figure that out here sometime soon.